Sunday, September 16, 2007

Vijo Games/Sleep

Grrrrrrr.... Im am extremely upset. I have an...*issue*, that involves me not being able to sleep at night (insomnia anyone?), Once i do fall asleep, it is for maybe 12-14 hours. Which speeds right through the day when i dont get any sleep til 2-3am or so. When i DO wake up, i still feel tired and lethargic. So, my mother pulls me out of school and schedules a doctors appointment to see whats going on. I personally think that it has some hidden link to my diabetes issue, but im just an addicted gamer what do i know? Any hoo, I know spend my days falling asleep, again, at 2-3am, and waking up, moreso in the range of 1-2pm. And dont forget im not in school, so when i wake up, i have NOTHING to do. Even though my mom has plenty of chores for me to do when i first get up, after that, I have to just sit and watch TV. Why? Because my Xbox 360 and Computer were taken away!!!!!! This happened because of my *admitted* inability to balance school work and gaming at the same time. And these 2 things were taken from me aprox. August 10-15. So i've gone basically a month now without them, but as of September 3rd, i was not a student at any high school I.E (the sleeping problem and getting withdrawn). So my question to my father is, why can't i play video games in the mean time? I wake up, have nothing to do, my work is always done, and i'm not in school until september 25th (which is when i start the more flexible online high school). So why cant i play games on my computer or xbox?.......He then replies "Ill give you a choice, right here and now. You can either do your online classes on my computer (his computer which has a 1.5ghz processing speed. which puts his computer coupled with his graphics card at about 30$ in worth.) Or i give you back yours (which has a 200$ graphics card and a 2.7ghz processing speed, which is worth WAY more then his) And you have to un-install/remove every single video game (which i have like 13 of)on your computer. Now at the hearing of this, my jaw dropped in astonishment. I either had to use his sucky freakin computer, or get my super-computer stripped completely of all my video games?....Well my friends, let me just say that the decision was an easy one. There was no way in Aych E Duble Hawky Stix i was gonna use his crap excuse for a computer. So i opted for mine. That was 2 weeks ago. I still aint got it!!!!!!....the only time i CAN play video games in on the weekend, At a place called "The Front", although it has been renamed to "CyberCafe". At The Front, for 3 dollars an hour, you can play a plethora of computer games, and surf the internet with a high-speed connection. Theres also a killer pizza joint called "#1 Brothers" next door that brings the gamers pizza because we tip well. But i can only play games there for a limited amount of time. My beef with my mom especially, is, "Im couped up in the house all week, doing chores, chores, and MORE chores. I get all my work done friday, so i can just disappear and enjoy myself saturday. And i dont have a car (yet) so its not like im going anywhere in the hot Arizona sun! And im very honest with my parents (as of late). But my mom only lets my go after 4'o clock or so, and then picks me up at 8. Thats a MAYJUR red flag right there. Why cant i go at 12, and leave at......10!!..11..12!!!!....What she doesn't realize is that we dont play games for that long anyway. Its FOOTBALL SEASON and we usually by maybe 5 hours of play time, go next door to brothers, and watch TV on his big projector and watch the USC games! Yesterday, we watched USC play, And Alabama. Thats 2 hours a game and sometimes MORE!.. so i had only played for a little bit of time before my mom came in beckoning me to leave. I was pissed....Very...pissed. She also wont let me ride in a car with my FRIENDS....that pisses me off too. But another thing that bugs me, is that my house sucks. Even with games. My dad is 61, and my mother is what..54?..Point being, they absolutely LOVE sitting down and watching TV all day!! dont get my wrong, HGTV does has some odd houses on there, and I love to watch Nascar and House with my dad. But i am 16 almost 17 years old. I dont ask to do much, just to be free on the weekends. And i know for a fact that im not asking for too much. One of my BEST FRIENDS drinks, a LOT of my other friends drink as well. I dont. Too many people i know well PARTY and SMOKE ALL the TIME. I dont do any of those things. Yes sometimes i run my mouth too much, but i always apologize. I dont curse (expect for when i was filming in a lift that was positioned equal with the goal post at a F-ball game, and the kicker was taking pot-shots at an already unstable lift that was about to fall) I dont party, drink, steal, smoke, jack ur parents car and go on a joy ride, Matter of fact, i dont ask to go anywhere. and when i do, i dont go places im not supposed to, because if i get caught, life will suck more than it already does. I only hang out with fellow gamers and F-ball players, cuz we are the most alike. My mom has met MOST of my friends, but she still wont let me go anywhere with them. I think them being religious has ALOT to do with it. After all, they are both pastors. So now that its 12:01. I fear going to bed, cuz tomorow's bored light will shine through my window and poke into my eyes, around...12 noon.....Also. I'll admit, im not in any good shape at ALL..unless..well, a ball is a shape, so there ya go. I brought up the idea of joining an air soft team. Kinda like paintball, expect less pain by far. My "dad" says he fears it will de-sensitise me to violence. the first though that went through my mind was, What you think i'm gonna go on a frikin shooting spree with a gun that shoots plastic pellets and can barely pinch skin????????...but then as i thought about it, he had a valid point, but then i thought more, and realized, he has no reason to think i will go nuts on violence talkin about smashing peoples heads. CHILDREN DO THAT...CHILDREN TALK ABOUT SHOOTING YOUR HEAD OFF AFTER THEY'VE PLAYED HALO A COUPLE TIMES...........CHILDREN..SHOOT THE DEAD CORPSES OF THEIR FOES AFTER A ROUND OF CALL OF DUTY (which is an xbox 360 war shooter)....Teenagers and YOUNG ADULTS PLAY IT....TALK STUFF WHILE THEIR PLAYING IT (at least i do) Then FORGET ABOUT IT ONCE UR DONE!!!!!......But. It just reminds me that my parents dont know ME. They may know *some* of my tendencies, like that i like to play games, but my dad doesn't know who my best friend is, even though i told him about him many times, he does not know my favorite color, video game, movie. He doesn't even know i have a girlfriend. My mom is a stickler for meeting friends before i can go to the front with them (i have to walk cuz i cant ride with them) and when she meets them, when i later say, mom can i go to the front with steven? she WILL...ALWAYS...SAY..."Steven?" "I dont know who that is, no." And ill say "You have met him, remember?..he's the one that" (i explan him a bit) then she says "i dont know, i'll let you go, but i want to meet him next time. (didn't i just say you did)....So..Ill just tell you ahead of time. I've arranged for all 16 of my CLOSE friends to come by, and meet my mom, at the SAME TIME. All sit down and TALK to HER!...then she cant say she hasn't met them. But i'm feeling tired ATM (at the moment)...which i calculate will put me asleep by 1. Farewell to you all.
September...(what..??) 16th?.....12:12am

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